100 things I want to do before I die

This is a work in progress. I started the list because I realized that I’d really like to know how to waltz. So, then I just started adding things to the list as I thought of them. Sometimes I get a rush of ideas, and sometimes I go weeks between thinking of things I can really be bothered to actually want to do. Obviously, those are the weeks when I’m massively behind with my course work, the kids are giving me grief, my house is a disaster zone and I’m broke.

So, here it is in all its unfinished glory- the list of stuff I wanna do before I kick the bucket.

1) Learn to waltz
2) take a trip around the world
3) skydive
4) windsurf
5) go into space
6) Parasail
7) Build my own house
8 ) Write a fictional novel
9) Write my autobiography
10) Get my doctorate in Clinical Psychology
11) Live in New England
12) Live in New Zealand
13) Learn how to ride and own a horse(s)
14) Establish a charitable foundation devoted to supporting and educating teen mothers
15) Get a boob job (smaller)
16) Get a nose job (straighter)
17) Become a habitual list maker and follower
18) Lose about 100 pounds and get down to a size 6 or 8
19) (Reserved for “run a marathon”, when the thought no longer makes me feel like throwing my body off a high rise building, cause lets face it, it’s the same thing, just quicker)
20) Go to Glastonbury (erm. music festival)
21) Go to Lollapalooza
22) Live in San Francisco (properly!)

(23) Spend a birthday in Italy. Preferably my 30th, but that’s probably not gonna happen

(24) Visit Eastern Europe

(25) Write my autobiography

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